Browse > Creator > Harris, Jonathan
Number of items: 5.
Harris, Jonathan
Contemporary art and the neoliberal global art world: the People's Republic of China and Palestine as exemplars.
The Routledge companion to marxisms in art history.
Routledge Companion Guides, 1
Routledge/Taylor and Francis, New York, pp. 404-416.
ISBN 978367650094
(In Press)
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Harris, Jonathan
Contemporary art in the conflicts of globalization.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis, Banbury.
ISBN 9781032129051
(In Press)
Item availability restricted.
Harris, Jonathan
El arte contemporáneo después del capitalismo. De utopías y distopías en la India neoliberal: la primera bienal de Kochi.
Revolver el tiempo: conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal.
Bellaterra Edicions, Manresa, Spain, pp. 337-380.
ISBN 9788419160256
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Harris, Jonathan and Makhoul, Bashir and Gras, Menene
The Routledge handbook of contemporary art in global Asia.
Routledge Handbooks
Routledge/Taylor and Francis, Banbury, UK.
ISBN 9781032258522
Harris, Jonathan
Terrorism and the arts: practices and critiques in contemporary cultural production.
Routledge Research in Art and Politics
Routledge/Taylor and Francis, Banbury, UK.
ISBN 9780367741174