Browse > School > School of Architecture & Design

Number of items at this level: 176.

Rossi, Cat and Sparke, Penny and Scholze, Jana (2025) At Home: mobilising contemporary design history through curatorial practice. Alle Radici del Design Espanso: Quali Futuri per la storia del Design? Proceedings of 2023 AIS Convegno. pp. 236-249. (In Press)

Rossi, Cat (2025) The ‘affective charge’ of the ‘inexistent’ dancefloor: exploring nightclub architecture and design. In: The Cambridge companion to electronic dance music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (In Press)

Massey, Anne (2025) Moving interiors: disassembling, reassembling, re-installing. In: Upkeep: maintenance and repair in adaptive interiors. Bloomsbury, New York and London. (Submitted) Item availability restricted.

Massey, Anne (2024) The Independent Group: working-class culture and collage. Journal of Class and Culture, 3 (2). pp. 121-144. ISSN 2634-1131 Item availability restricted.

McElhinney, Sam (2024) Mean aggregate isovist cascade analysis; a temporal approach to spatial analysis. In: Space Syntax Symposium 14. Gruppo editoriale Tab S.r.l., Rome, pp. 1949-1976. ISBN 9791256690329

Trogal, Kim and Wakeford Holder, Anna (2024) Prefigurative feminist practices of democratic city–making: learning from socialist feminism and the Greater London Council (GLC). In: The Routledge handbook of architecture, urban space and politics, volume II: ecology, social participation and marginalities. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780367629182 Item availability restricted.

Hocaoglu, Dilek (2024) Social media as a powerful tool for food preparation and gaining healthy eating habits. In: EFOOD24: 4th International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Phygital Food Systems, 7-9 November 2024, Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Spain.


Hocaoglu, Dilek (2024) The contribution of allotments to the planetary health and social change. In: Livable Cities – London, 26-28 June 2024, City, University of London, London, UK. (In Press)

Tollady, Daniel (2024) The joy of apples and seaside forensics: engaging the local community to explore the built environment. In: AHRC IAA SE Regional Research with Impact Event, Wednesday 8 May 2024, University of Sussex, UK. (Unpublished)


Rossi, Cat (2024) Design’s energy transition: rethinking products, reducing energy, and redesigning behaviours. In: TRANSFORM! Designing the future of energy. Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein. ISBN 3945852609



Rossi, Cat (2023) Made in Italy and made for America: craft in Italy at work. In: L'Italia al lavoro: un lifestyle da esportazione. Bologna University Press, Bologna, pp. 59-66. ISBN 9791254772959



Lee, Kristin and Karani, Malini (2023) Preparing undergraduate designers using the results of a DE&I survey of the local design industry. In: The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2023 (SEACE2023), 10-13 February 2023, Singapore and Online.

Massey, Anne (2023) Tom Carr (1912-1977). Other. British Sporting Art Trust, Newmarket.



Massey, Anne (2022) Women in design. World of Art . Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 9780500204825

Dalton, Nick S. and Dalton, Ruth and McElhinney, Sam and Mavros, Panagiotis (2022) Upper bound projection and stochastic isovists; a solution to the comparison of visibility graph analysis systems. In: Proceedings, 13th International Space Syntax Symposium. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen. ISBN 9788293677673

Anklesaria, Freyaan and McElhinney, Sam (2022) Syntax as an iterative architectural design tool: a teaching experiment using spatial syntactic and isovist analysis. In: Proceedings, 13th International Space Syntax Symposium. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen. ISBN 9788293677673

Dalton, Ruth and Dalton, Nick and McElhinney, Sam and Mavros, Panagiotis (2022) Isovists in a grid: benefits and limitations. In: Proceedings, 13th International Space Syntax Symposium. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen. ISBN 9788293677673

McElhinney, Sam and Dalton, Ruth and Dalton, Nick and Mavros, Panagiotis (2022) Detection of intelligibility leaps using isovist-waves; joining the dots to map potential ‘aha moment’ locations. In: Proceedings, 13th International Space Syntax Symposium. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen. ISBN 9788293677673

McElhinney, Sam and Zisch, Fiona and Hornberger, Michael and Coutrot, Antoine and Spiers, Hugo and Hanna, Sean (2022) Exosomatic route choice in navigation; evidence from video game player data. In: Proceedings, 13th International Space Syntax Symposium. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen. ISBN 9788293677673

Graziano, Valeria and Trogal, Kim (2022) Labour power in the repair shop. Capitalism Nature Socialism. ISSN 1045-5752 (In Press) Item availability restricted.

Rossi, Cat (2022) Post-Craft. EP, 3 . Sternberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 9783956793950

Li, Zhuozhang (2022) “Made in Hong Kong”: the (re)production of publicness in the cinematic urban topography of contemporary Hong Kong. In: The everyday in visual culture: slices of lives. Routledge, London, pp. 158-171. ISBN 9781003107309

Rossi, Cat (2022) Are you sitting comfortably? Architectural Review. pp. 22-25.

Cowie, Hazel (2022) Regeneration and heritage: considering static heritage narratives in housing-led regeneration. Studies in History and Theory of Architecture, 9. pp. 275-292. ISSN 2457-1687

Trogal, Kim and Viderman, Tihomir (2021) Introduction: everyday struggles and contestations around care. In: Care and the city: encounters with urban studies. Routledge, New York, pp. 103-108. ISBN 9780367468576


Krugar, Jakub and McElhinney, Sam (2021) ‘Wann und wohin schauen?’. Der Arkitect, 4. pp. 22-27. Item availability restricted.



Gabauer, Angelika and Knierbein, Sabine and Cohen, Nir and Lebuhn, Henrik and Trogal, Kim and Viderman, Tihomir (2021) Care, uncare, and the city. In: Care and the city: encounters with urban studies. Routledge, New York, pp. 3-14. ISBN 9780367468576




Karani, Malini (2019) Understanding comfort in homes designed on principles of Vaastushastra. In: Revisiting the role of Architecture for ‘surviving’ Development: 53rd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, 2019, Roorkee, India.

Trogal, Kim and Graziano, Valeria (2019) Repair matters - editorial. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 19 (2). pp. 203-227. ISSN 1473-2866

Trogal, Kim and Graziano, Valeria (2019) Handling replacement: tending to a local library and repair centre. In: Critical care architecture and urbanism for a broken planet. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 107-113. ISBN 9780262536837

Benedikt, Michael and McElhinney, Sam (2019) Isovists and the metrics of architectural space. ACSA 2019 Annual Meeting Proceedings. Item availability restricted.

Massey, Anne (2019) Revisiting Art Deco in the UK. In: The Routledge Companion to Art Deco. Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp. 115-127. ISBN 9780429032165 Item availability restricted.

Trogal, Kim (2019) Resilience as interdependence: learning from the care ethics of subsistence practices. In: Architecture and resilience: a series of interdisciplinary dialogues. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138065819

Trogal, Kim and Bauman, Irena and Lawrence, Ranald and Petrescu, Doina (2019) Introduction: architecture and resilience on a human scale. In: Architecture and resilience: a series of interdisciplinary dialogues. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138065819 Item availability restricted.


Bell, John and Brady, Deborah and Convery, Ian and Cunningham, Stuart and Lawton, Mark (2018) Acoustic Augmented Reality [Poster]. In: The Mediation of Experiences by Technology in the Outdoors, 19-23 September 2018, CŠOD Slovenia. (Submitted)

Trogal, Kim and Ferreri, Mara (2018) ‘This is a private-public park’: Encountering architectures of spectacle in post-Olympic London. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 22 (4). pp. 510-526.




Massey, Anne (2018) The Independent Group and Little Magazines, 1956-64. Architecture and Culture, 6 (1). pp. 17-35. ISSN 2050-7828 (Print); 2050-7836 (Online) Item availability restricted.

Rossi, Cat (2018) The maker 2.0: a craft-based approach to understanding a new creative identity. In: Fashioning professionals: self identity and representation at work. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 181-201. ISBN 9781350001862


McElhinney, Sam (2017) Isovist_2.0. Canterbury School of Architecture, Canterbury, UK.




Trogal, Kim (2017) Caring: making commons, making connections. In: The social (re)production of architecture politics, values and actions in contemporary practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781138859487

Trogal, Kim (2017) Feminist pedagogies: making transversal and mutual connections across difference. In: Feminist futures of spatial practice: materialisms, activisms, dialogues, pedagogies, projections. Art Architecture Design Research, Spurbuchverlag, pp. 239-252. ISBN 9783887784898

Trogal, Kim (2017) The social (re)production of architecture in 'crisis riddled' times. In: The social (re)production of architecture politics, values and actions in contemporary practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781138859487

Pedersen, Claus Peder and Stangeland, Siv Helene and Holder, Anna (2017) Spaces of creativity. In: The ADAPT-r creativity book. KU Leuven, Brussels, pp. 73-109. ISBN 9789082510843

Holder, Anna (2017) Transformative triggers: 'triggers' as markers of knowledge creation, and recognition of development and change in creative practice research. In: Relational knowledge & creative practice. KU Leuven, Brussels, pp. 73-112. ISBN 9789082510850




Rossi, Cat and Marshall, Justin (2017) Making with China: research methods for investigating Shenzhen’s maker movement. Digital Culture & Society, 3 (1). pp. 127-138. ISSN 2364-2122


Stevanovic, Tijana (2016) Humane spontaneity: teaching new Belgrade lessons of the past. In: Re-framing identities: architecture's turn to history, 1970-1990. De Gruyter, pp. 289-302. ISBN 9783035608151





Donovan, Elizabeth and Holder, Anna (2016) How architecture students gain and apply knowledge of sustainable architecture. In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building, 22-24 June 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Trogal, Kim and Graziano, Valeria and Elzenbaumer, Bianca (2016) Introduction: the politics of commoning and design. Proceedings of DRS 2016: design + research + society, future-focused thinking, 10. pp. 4005-4014. ISSN 2398-3132


Hatleskog, Eli and Hoete, Anthony and Holder, Anna (2016) Talking architecture: exploring knowledge production through conversation in architectural creative practice research. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 9 (3). ISSN 1755-9944

Bougdah, Hocine (2016) The courtyard house: can a sustainable future learn from a context relevant past. Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development (ESSD), 1 (1). ISSN 2357-0857

Massey, Anne (2015) ‘A feminine touch’: gender, design and the ocean liner. Journal for Maritime Research, 17 (2). pp. 169-181. ISSN 1469-1957 Item availability restricted.

Stevanovic, Tijana (2015) Tools for conviviality: architects and the limits of flexibility for housing design in New Belgrade. In: Industries of Architecture. Ahra Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities . Routledge. ISBN 1138946818

Pedersen, Claus Peder and Bundegaard, Charlotte and Holder, Anna (2015) Making research | researching making: proceedings. Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus. ISBN 8790979443


Holder, Anna (2015) Furniture and equipment in learning spaces. In: Building schools: key issues for contemporary design. Birkhäuser, pp. 220-235. ISBN 9783038215479

Trogal, Kim (2015) Care of commons: exploring questions of care, gifts and reciprocity in making new commons. In: Economy and architecture. Routledge. ISBN 9781138025486

Trogal, Kim and Holder, Anna (2015) More common, more public: working with products for transvaluation. In: Transvaluation International Symposium, 21-22 May 2015, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Rossi, Cat (2015) Crafting design in Italy: from post-war to postmodernism. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719089404

Hatleskog, Eli and Holder, Anna (2015) Ways of knowing, ways of telling: recognition and explication of knowledge in creative practice research. In: ADAPT-r Creative Practice Conference: Making Research | Researching Making, 10-12 September 2015, Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Holder, Anna (2015) Making spaces of cultural understanding and exchange in the Danish context. In: Architecture & xenophobia. Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus.

Trogal, Kim (2015) Care of commons, care and commons. In: Heritage as common(s), common(s) as heritage. Makadam, Gothenburg, pp. 165-185. ISBN 9789170611643

Trogal, Kim and Petrescu, Doina (2015) Introduction: architecture and resilience on the human scale: ethical and political concerns, agencies, co-production and socio-technological strategies in research and practice. In: Architecture and resilience on the human scale: cross-disciplinary conference, Sheffield, 10-12 September 2015. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, pp. 11-21. ISBN 9780992970543

Trogal, Kim (2015) Making resilience: work and value. In: Cultures of resilience. Hato Press, London, pp. 34-38. ISBN 9781910239100

Froome-Lewis, Oliver (2014) Lea Valley Drift: paths, objects and the creation of urban narratives. Architectural Research Quarterly, 18 (4). pp. 377-388. ISSN 1359-1355

Waters, Peter (2014) Transformative space. University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. ISBN 9780992733643

Stark, Gabor (2014) Coop coast - architecture, culture and inter-urban exchange. In: Imagined Cities conference, Folkestone Triennial 2014, 11-12 October 2014, Quarterhouse, Folkestone, Kent. (Unpublished)

Stark, Gabor (2014) SYN City: import export - architecture, culture and interurban exchange. ReCreate Publication Series . University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. ISBN 9780992733636

Rai, Amie and Stark, Gabor (2014) ReCreate publication series. ReCreate Publication Series . University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury.

Brophy, JJ and Settle, Christopher (2014) Ephemeral space. Recreate Publication Series . University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. ISBN 9780992733612


Froome-Lewis, Oliver and Street, Chloe (2014) The fate of urban rivers. In: Riverine Conference 2014, 26 - 28 June 2014, University of Kent, Canterbury. (Unpublished)




Massey, Anne and Muir, Gregor (2014) ICA: 1946-68. ICA, London. Item availability restricted.

Stark, Gabor (2014) Object as measure: Gabor Stark. In: ISD Open Lecture Series, 10 February 2014, Chelsea College of Arts, London. (Unpublished)

Kotov, Kristina (2014) Barn 2 b: app. ScanLAB Ltd, i Tunes.



Rettondini, Lara (2014) The reading room. University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. ISBN 9780992733650 Item availability restricted.


Udall, Julia and Holder, Anna (2014) The 'diverse economies' of participation. Footprint (13). pp. 63-80. ISSN 1875-1490


Rossi, Cat (2014) Swiss Army knife. In: Iconic designs: 50 stories about 50 things. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 207-209.

Rossi, Cat (2013) From Mari to Memphis: the role of prototypes in radical and postmodern Italian design. In: Prototype: design and craft in the 21st century. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 29-44. ISBN 9780857856821

Stark, Gabor (2013) A circulating tribute to El Lissitzky (1890-1941) and Sophie Lissitzky-Kueppers (1891-1978). In: An evening dedicated to El Lissitzky, 21 November 2013, GRAD Gallery for Russian Art and Design, London. (Unpublished)

Rossi, Cat (2013) Crafting design counterculture: the pastoral and the primitive in Italian radical design, 1972–1976. In: Made in Italy: new perspectives on Italian design. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9780857853899

Froome-Lewis, Oliver and Street, Chloe (2013) Lea Valley Drift: transgressing cartological norms as a means to stimulating new. In: AHRA Transgressions Conference, 21-23 November 2013, Bristol, UK.

Watt, Fiona (2013) Design as performance. In: World Stage Design 2013, September 2013, Cardiff, Wales. (Unpublished)


Rossi, Cat and Coles, Alex (2013) The Italian avant-garde: 1968 - 1976. EP, 1 . Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783943365498


Stark, Gabor and Rudolph, Ines-Ulrike (2013) Zwischen Landnahme und Offenhaltung. Stadt- und Freiraumentwickung mit Raumpionieren. In: StadtGrün. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Berlin, pp. 235-240. ISBN 9783816790280 Item availability restricted.

Rossi, Cat (2013) Bricolage, hybridity, circularity: crafting production strategies in critical and conceptual design. Design and Culture, 5 (1). pp. 69-87. ISSN 1754-7075 (Print) 1754-7083 (Online) Item availability restricted.

Kotov, Kristina and Shaw, Matt and Lee, Samantha (2012) Revealing the first scans of Barn 2 B. In: Invited lecture, 7 November 2012, Vilniaus Dailes Akademija, Vilnius, Lithuania (Vilnius Art Academy). (Unpublished)

Kotov, Kristina (2012) Reflections on practice: LT Ranch project space. In: Duration conference, AV Festival: international festival of art, music and film, 29-31 March 2014, Culture Lab, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Hunt, Chris (2012) Wilhelm Worringer 'Abstraction and empathy' ['Abstraktion und einfuhlung'] (1908). In: Fifty Key Texts in Art History. Routledge Key Guides . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 59-63. ISBN 9780415497701 Item availability restricted.

Hunt, Chris (2012) Martin Heidegger, 'The origin of the work of art' ['Der ursprung des kunstwerkes'] (1935). In: Fifty Key Texts in Art History. Routledge Key Guides . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 81-85. ISBN 9780415497701

Hunt, Chris (2012) Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, a thousand plateaus [Mille plateaux] (1980). In: Fifty Key Texts in Art History. Routledge Key Guides . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 59-63. ISBN 9780415497701

McElhinney, Sam (2012) Reconstructing urban labyrinths. In: EURAU12 Porto Espaço Público e Cidade Contemporânea: Actas do 6º European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design. EURAU12, Porto. ISBN 9789898527011 Item availability restricted.


Kotov, Kristina (2012) LT Ranch project space: the distance between the user & maker diminishes. In: Architecture Live Projects Pedagogy Symposium, 24-26 May 2012, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University. (Unpublished)



McElhinney, Sam (2010) Labyrinths, mazes & the spaces inbetween. In: Cybernetics & Systems 2010: proceedings of the 20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, Austria, pp. 104-109. ISBN 9783852061788

Bell, John and Sloan, Helen and Thelwall, Sarah (2009) Bandwidth: Technology Strategy Board feasibility study AK772A. Project Report. The Technology Strategy Board.

Bell, John (2009) Urban otaku: electic lighting and the noctambulist. Architectural Design, 79 (5). pp. 24-29. ISSN 1554-2769

Bougdah, Hocine and Sharples, Stephen (2009) Environment, technology and sustainability. Technologies of Architecture, 2 . Taylor and Francis, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780415403795

Froome-Lewis, Oliver (2009) Touching the city. CSA - Canterbury School of Architecture, Canterbury, UK. ISBN 978-0-9558225-3-7




Zunde, Joan and Bougdah, Hocine (2006) Integrated strategies in architecture. Technologies of Architecture, 1 . Taylor and Francis, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780415360845

Bougdah, Hocine and Ekici, Inan and Kang, Jian (2006) A laboratory investigation of noise reduction by riblike structures on the ground. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120 (6). pp. 3714-3722.


Thomas, Michael and Waters, Peter (2004) ‘Alt-space’ computers in art & design education. In: Computers in Art & Design Education Conference, 2004, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Malmo University, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Ekici, I and Bougdah, Hocine (2003) A review of research on environmental noise barriers. Building Acoustics, 10 (4). ISSN 1351-010X

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