Browse > Year > 2011

Number of items: 136.




Coekin, Chris (2011) The Altogether. Walkout Books. ISBN 9780955596216



Rahtz, Dominic (2011) Bees and butterflies. In: Monarchy. Stour Valley Arts, Challock, Kent. ISBN 9780955871931

Millar, Lesley (2011) Bite-size: miniature textiles from Japan and the UK. University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780956416094




Buchan, Suzanne (2011) Bruno Schulz’s ‘Generatio aequivoca’: sites of (dis-)enchantment in the Quay Brothers’ street of crocodiles. In: Anti tales: the uses of disenchantment. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 84-97. ISBN 9781443828697

Mey, Kerstin (2011) But where is the art? In: Policing Dialogues Review: reflections on an exploration of neighbourhood power relations at the LAB by What's the Story Collective? Public Communications Centre, Dublin, pp. 6-7. ISBN 9780956807106 Item availability restricted.

O'Brien, Lucy (2011) Can I have a taste of your ice cream? Punk & Post Punk, 1 (1). pp. 27-40. ISSN 2044-1983


Gramstadt, Marie-Therese (2011) Changing Light: a plethora of digital tools as slides gasp their last? Technology and ‘the Death of Art History', CHArt twenty-six annual conference British Computer Society, London, 10–11 November 2010.



Martin, Craig (2011) Controlling flow: on the logistics of distributive space. In: Architecture in the space of flows. Routledge, London, pp. 147-159. ISBN 9780415585422

Reimers, Anne (2011) Cool glamour: fashion and identity in Christian Schad's portrait "Sonja" (1928). In: Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues: 3rd Global Conference, 22-25 September 2011, Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

Howard, Ashley (2011) Crossing the line: the drawing of Magdalene Odundo. In: 2011 ISCAEE Symposium, 16 September - 2 October 2011, Japan.


Rahtz, Dominic (2011) Daniel Buren's theoretical practice. In: Spatialities: the geographies of art and architecture. Intellect, Bristol, pp. 85-100. ISBN 9781841504681


Olding, Simon (2011) Defining craft. In: Irish craft portfolio 2011. Crafts Council of Ireland, Kilkenny, Ireland, pp. 6-7. ISBN 9781906691189

Martin, Craig (2011) Desperate passage: violent mobilities and the politics of discomfort. Journal of Transport Geography, 19 (5). pp. 1046-1052. ISSN 0966-6923

Randall, Dave and Proctor, Rob and Lin, Yuwei and Poschen, Meik and Sharrock, Wes and Stevens, Robert (2011) Distributed ontology building as practical work. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69 (4). pp. 220-233. ISSN 1071-5819 Item availability restricted.

Bouette, Martin (2011) East meets West or West meets East: a cultural dilemma. Baseline: International Typographics Magazine, 60. p. 48. ISSN 0954-9226

Gomm, Phil and Klappa, Peter and Poraj-Wilczynski, Michael (2011) Effective learning in the biosciences: equipping students for the 21st century, biologists working with others – interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning and teaching. In: Effective Learning in the Biosciences: Equipping Students for the 21st Century, 30 June -1 July 2011, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)



Ransom, Nicky and Rafferty, Pauline (2011) Facets of user-assigned tags and their effectiveness in image retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 67 (6). pp. 1038-1066. ISSN 0022-0418

Phoca, Sophia (2011) Filming the alternative. Art Monthly (342). ISSN 0142-6702

Martin, Craig (2011) Fog-bound: aerial space and the elemental entanglements of body-with-world. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29 (3). pp. 454-468. ISSN 0263-7758 (Print) 1472-3433 (Online)


Baier, Fred and La Trobe-Bateman, Richard and Colwell, David and Olding, Simon (2011) Fred Baier: the right angle. Crafts Study Centre, Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780955437496

Buchan, Suzanne (2011) Ghosts in the machine: experiencing animation. In: Watch Me Move. The Animation Show. Merrell, London, pp. 28-38. ISBN 978 1 8589 4558 3



Bellingham, Mark (2011) I only want what I can't have., London, UK.

Chell, Edward and Halliday, Amy (2011) In conversation: Edward Chell. In Conversation . Swedenborg Society, London. ISBN 9780854481675


Howard, Ashley and Odundo, Magdalene (2011) Intimate humanity: Ashley Howard reveals the language of drawing for Magdalene Odundo. Ceramic Review: The Magazine of Ceramic Art and Craft (252). pp. 51-55. ISSN 0144-1825


Vacher, Jean (2011) Jean Vacher interview on 12 April 2011. In: Memoranda. Luminous Books, London, UK, pp. 66-75. ISBN 095428861


Kubicki, Kathy and Bajac, Quentin and Torre, de la, Alfonso and Knorr, Karen (2011) Karen Knorr. Coleccion El Ojo Que Ves, 5 . La Fabricia, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 9788415303664

Hargreaves, Roger and Knorr, Karen (2011) Karen Knorr myths and fables. Source, Summer (67). pp. 13-23. ISSN 1369-2224

Edge, Sebastian and Kotting, Andrew (2011) Kotting and edge land. Badbloodandsibyl. ISBN 9780956873316

Gramstadt, Marie-Therese (2011) Kultivating Kultur: institutional repositories and the arts. In: Curating Artistic Research Outputs (CAiRO) Summer School, 27th-30th June 2011, University of Bristol.

Joule, Andy (2011) La paradoja del tiempo en animación (translation: a for animation). Con a de animacion (a for animation), 1 (1). pp. 55-62. ISSN ISSN 2173-6049


Wilson, Gillian (2011) Learning to enjoy writing. Networks (12). pp. 29-30. ISSN 1756-963X Item availability restricted.

Harrison, Lucy (2011) Light up your street. Rendezvous Press. ISBN 9780955540035


Robinson, Amy (2011) Look-here!: digitisation and collaboration in the visual arts. In: Clustering and sustaining digital resources: the JISC eContent Programme 2009-11. JISC, London, pp. 22-28.

Millar, Lesley (2011) Lost in lace transparent boundaries. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham. ISBN 078-0-9570494-0-6


Millar, Lesley (2011) Lost in lace: new approaches by UK and international artists. Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 9780957049406


Baker, Camille (2011) ‘MINDtouch’ – embodied ephemeral transference: mobile media performance research. The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 7 (1). pp. 99-118. ISSN 1479-4713 (Print) 2040-0934 (Online)

Olding, Simon (2011) Magdalene Odundo: art of grace, poise and power. AD: The National Society for Education in Art and Design magazine (3). pp. 14-16. ISSN 2046-3138

Hamlyn, Nicky (2011) Medium practices. Public Journal, 44. pp. 21-30. ISSN 0845-4450


Buchan, Suzanne (2011) A Metaphysics of space: The Quay Brothers atmospheric cosmogonies. In: Toward a new interior: an anthology of interior design theory. Princeton Architectural Press, New York, pp. 527-545. ISBN 9781616890308

Baker, Camille (2011) Methodologies for mobile media performance. Acoustic Space (9). pp. 131-144. ISSN 1407-2858 Item availability restricted.

Beard, Sophie (2011) Minutes after this photo was taken: the temporality of the family photograph in the newspaper. In: Contemporary Vernacular Photographies Symposium, 3 September 2011, University of Westminster. (Unpublished)



Panse, Silke (2011) Moving tears moving images: A critique of judgement in documentary television. In: Visible Evidence XVIII, 12 August 2011, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. (Unpublished)

Hamlyn, Nicky (2011) Mutable screens: the expanded films of Guy Sherwin, Lis Rhodes, Steve Farrer and Nicky Hamlyn. In: Expanded cinema: art, performance, film. Tate Publishing, London, pp. 212-220. ISBN 9781854379740 Item availability restricted.

Wainwright, Jean (2011) My search for Andy Warhol's voice. In: Warhol is here. De La Warr Pavilion, East Sussex, UK, pp. 66-69. ISBN 9780956286628

Odundo, Magdalene (2011) Objects, art and material culture. In: Literature, the visual arts and globalization in Africa and its diaspora. African Literature Assoication Annual Series, 15 . Africa World Press, Trenton, USA, pp. 93-107. ISBN 9781592218103


Marshall, Mike (2011) Open Space. Organic Complexity and the Conditions of Experience . Stour Valley Arts in association with ArtSway, Kent, UK. ISBN 9780955871924


Joyce, Julie and Armstrong, Carol and Robecchi, Michele and Gersht, Ori (2011) Ori Gersht: lost in time. Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, USA. ISBN 9780899511122

Walker, James (2011) Photographic memory and transcribing the traumatic space. In: Comics and Conflict Conference, 19 August 2011, Imperial War Museum, London. (Unpublished)


Buchan, Suzanne (2011) The Quay Brothers: into a metaphysical playroom. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. ISBN 9780816646586 (hbk.) : ISBN: 9780816646593 (pbk.)

Summers, Francis (2011) (Re)counting love: Martin Arnold's pièce touchée. In: Transmission: HOSPITALITY, 1-3 July, 2010, Sheffield Hallam University.


Luvera, Anthony (2011) Residency: assisted self-portraits Belfast. Belfast Exposed Photography, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Ryland, Susan (2011) Resisting metaphors: a metonymic approach to the study of creativity and cognition in art analysis and practice. PhD thesis, University of Brighton/University for the Creative Arts. Item availability restricted.


Lehmann, Ulrich (2011) Sampling and the materiality of sound. In: Postmodernism: Style and Subversion, 1970-1990. V&A Publishing, London, UK, pp. 178-180. ISBN 9781851776597

Nicholas, David and Russell, Bill and Canty, Nick and Watkinson, Anthony (2011) Social media use in the research workflow. Learned Publishing, 24 (3). pp. 183-195. ISSN 0953-1513

Gramstadt, Marie-Therese (2011) Subject terminology for arts research. In: Kultivate Metadata Workshop. In: Kultivate Metadata Workshop, Tuesday 24th May 2011, HEFCE, Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1DD.


Trafford, Tia (2011) Things are not what they seem: the transcendentalism of appearances in the refutation of reductive naturalism. Kritike: an online journal of philosophy, 5 (2). pp. 166-184. ISSN 1908-7330

Panse, Silke (2011) Towards a sculptural reading of scale and size in film and television: miniature models and opaque realism. In: The Big Screen vs. The Small Screen, 16 February 2011, Christ Church University, Canterbury. (Unpublished)

Buchan, Suzanne (2011) Tricky spaces: animation, installation and spatial politics. In: Tricky Women – Animationsfilmkunst von Frauen – Women in Animation. Schüren Verlag, Marburg. ISBN 978-3-89472-723-9

Martin, Craig (2011) Turbulent stillness: the politics of uncertainty and the undocumented migrant. In: Stillness in a mobile world. International Library of Sociology . Routledge, London, pp. 192-208. ISBN 9780415572620

Jackson, Andrew (2011) Understanding the experience of the amateur maker. PhD thesis, University of Brighton/University for the Creative Arts. Item availability restricted.

Williamson, Judith (2011) Unfreezing the truth: knowledge and denial in climate change imagery. In: Dialogues with tomorrow. Now Future, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 143-177. ISBN 9780473201852



Matthews, Bob and Lee, Michael and Herbert, Martin and Maerkle, Andrew (2011) Utopias: a collaboration. Singapore International Foundation, Singapore. ISBN 9789810707101

Tannant, Maria (2011) VLEs and meeting student expectations. In: SEDA Annual Conference 2011: Using Technology to Enhance Learning, 17-18 Nov 2011, Aston Business School Conference Centre, Aston University, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Tannant, Maria (2011) Walking in the cloud – exploring new worlds from a VLE perspective. In: ALT-C 2011 Conference: Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate, 6-8 Sep 2011, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Summers, Francis (2011) ...When all attachments are replaced with survival. In: Transmission Annual. Provocation. Artwords Press, London, pp. 72-78. ISBN 9781906441272


Tappenden, Curtis (2011) Wobbling: personal reflections on selfdoubt. In: Taking wellbeing forward in higher education: reflections on theory and practice. University of Brighton, Brighton, UK, pp. 84-88. ISBN 978-1-905593-43-9

Olding, Simon (2011) The art of R.J. Lloyd. Edward Gaskell, Bideford, UK. ISBN 9781906769291


Rahtz, Dominic (2011) The artist as worker. Art History, 34 (1). pp. 218-220. ISSN 0141-6790

Walker, James (2011) The autographic impulse: illustrative dislocations and dissolutions in contemporary illustration. In: Illustration & Writing: Visual Language, 3-4 November 2011, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Roworth-Stokes, Seymour (2011) The design research society and emerging themes in design research. The Journal of product innovation management, 28 (3). pp. 419-424. ISSN 0737-6782

Yousefzadeh Tabasi, Reza (2011) The effect of context on socially-engaged animation: the case of Mr and Mrs Mockroach. PhD thesis, University of Brighton/University for the Creative Arts. Item availability restricted.

Jordan-Baker, Craig (2011) A feverish call to arms: review of Voyaging Out. Urthona Journal of Buddhism & the Arts (27). p. 48.

Theodosiou, Sallyanne and Burden, Penny (2011) The implementation of PDP within a graphic design course. On Reflection, 21. pp. 6-11. Item availability restricted.

Lin, Yuwei (2011) A qualitative enquiry into OpenStreetMap making. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 17 (1). pp. 53-71. ISSN 1361-4568 Item availability restricted.

Olding, Simon (2011) A sense of home. Resurgence & Ecologist (268). pp. 54-55. ISSN 0034-5970

Derby, Moyra (2011) A sort of night to the mind, a kind of night for our thoughts: materiality and illusion in contemporary painting. In: A sort of night to the mind, a kind of night for our thoughts: materiality and illusion in contemporary painting. Joanna Foster Fine Art, Arch 402 Gallery. ISBN 9780957057401

Lehmann, Ulrich (2011) The surrealist object and subject in materialism: notes on the understanding of the object in surrealism. In: Surreal objects: three-dimensional works from Dalí to Man Ray. Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany, pp. 129-135. ISBN 9783775727693

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